Wednesday, April 25, 2012


“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, 
if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
-Albus Dumbledore

Candle image from

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Just to Know

Just to let everyone know, I use all my own photos, unless I say otherwise. I also do not believe in editing photos. I think that if you can capture the beauty, there is no need to change it.


Twenty dollars and some TLC later... 

Life became a little more beautiful.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Flower Child


Words on the radio
In the family
Around the world
Unfamiliar territory
Too unfamiliar
Too strange
Never calm
Never peaceful
Always was
Never silence

P.S The picture above was a set that I made on Polyvore :)

Monday, April 2, 2012


A word too often used in sports.
Too often found in school.
On weekends, vacations.
Referring to chaos.
To problems.
We need solutions.
We need solitude.
Time to figure.
Time to learn.

No Time

I feel that time is slipping by me lately. 
There is so much to do, but so little time to do it in. 
Despite my struggles and complaints, I do seem to get by. 
I have barely enough time to be creative. 
This internet. 
This internet is driving me insane. 
Everything that used to be normal day to day activities(reading, drawing, etc.) 
I guess I do have time seeing as I spend most of it trolling. 
It is time to take at least an hour out of every day to set aside electronics.
Time for change.
Time for childhood.

(Photo I found on google images)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The most ancient of questions

Why is a raven like a writing desk?

I have absolutely no clue. Unless of course the writing desk is black. If that was the case then they would be the same color. Or, if a raven was made of wood, or had drawers to store things in, then it would have a similar use to a writing desk. There could also be the case in which a raven is really a fancy brand of paper, so they could both be something used in writing.

My thought, that I just came up with, is this: A raven is like a writing desk because both are used in the creative process. A raven could be the muse of the art. The art would then be executed on a writing desk. Or, the other way around. One could be writing about a writing desk, while flying on a raven.

The possibilities are endless.... Stay mad